Maine Coon - Biggest Domestic Cats
Origin Maine Coon -Maine, United States. At home, these cats are compared with a raccoon (hence the second part of the name - Coon (from the English racoon or abbr. Coon - raccoon)) due to the peculiar colouring of the tail. Sometimes they are also called raccoon cats. To us, their beautiful tassels on the ears are more like lynx.
A distinctive feature of the Maine Coon breed is the size of its representatives. These are the largest domestic cats. In length, cats reach 135 cm (of course, including the length of the tail), in height at the withers - 45 cm. Just a gigantic size for a cat! This property appeared in these cats in the course of natural evolution, rather than artificial breeding. Subsequently, breeders have already consolidated the quality, which has become the hallmark of the breed. It is curious that at this size, the Coons weigh not so much because of the light skeleton. The male weighs from 7.5 to 9 kg, the female - 4.5 - 6 kg.
A distinctive feature of the Maine Coon breed is the size of its representatives. These are the largest domestic cats. In length, cats reach 135 cm (of course, including the length of the tail), in height at the withers - 45 cm. Just a gigantic size for a cat! This property appeared in these cats in the course of natural evolution, rather than artificial breeding. Subsequently, breeders have already consolidated the quality, which has become the hallmark of the breed. It is curious that at this size, the Coons weigh not so much because of the light skeleton. The male weighs from 7.5 to 9 kg, the female - 4.5 - 6 kg.
Gentle character

Maine Coon cats are very affectionate for their owners. These are companion cats. They choose the head of their "pride" and selflessly love him all his life. Such a lucky person most often becomes the one who feeds and cares for Coon.
Maine Coon's character surprises specialists, because they are completely atypical representatives of their kind. Unlike many cats, they do not show selfishness, do not like loneliness. Despite the rather formidable, impregnable appearance, the temper of adult animals is good-natured, affectionate and calm. As a rule, they keep steady, treat children with sympathy.
Maine Coon's character surprises specialists, because they are completely atypical representatives of their kind. Unlike many cats, they do not show selfishness, do not like loneliness. Despite the rather formidable, impregnable appearance, the temper of adult animals is good-natured, affectionate and calm. As a rule, they keep steady, treat children with sympathy.
Get along
Maine Coons easily get along in any environment. Kittens and adult males and females are playful; they love the company of humans and other domestic animals. However, you should be careful to leave them alone with small pets (for example, fish or rodents), because the hunting instinct for these cats is very strong and your other pet can easily become prey.
Interesting habits and high intelligence

Coons are very smart cats. Their intelligence is high enough to understand the mood and desires of the owner. They can be trained and can learn to perform simple tricks. On the Internet you can easily find a video where you will be trained to train your pet. Unlike many cats, Maine Coon cats rarely release their claws and when they walk on the floor in the house, the clatter of claws is not audible. Their voice is low, rather, they make sounds like bird twitter.
Life span
The life of the thoroughbred Maine Coons is quite long, they are distinguished by good health and will give the owner love for many years. According to statistics, some representatives of the breed live up to 20 years.
Care is easy

Maine Coon cats do not require special care. Basically, the activities needed by Maine Coon are not different from those for other breeds. Mandatory deworming (especially if the cat is allowed outside), vaccination, treatment for ticks, fleas.
Their hair is thick, rather long, so during moulting it is recommended to carry out a combing procedure, especially during spring time.
Their hair is thick, rather long, so during moulting it is recommended to carry out a combing procedure, especially during spring time.
Food habits and nutrition
Coons do not require a special diet. The choice whether to feed with dry or natural food remains with the owner. Of course, it must be borne in mind that cats of larger sizes need more food. Naturally, whatever type of food you choose, it must be of high quality, contain all the substances necessary for the animal.
Impressive appearance

A huge fluffy cat with slanting clever eyes, tassels on the ears - is this not an object of pride? A kind of affectionate, playful domestic lynx, delivering an aesthetic pleasure in appearance. The Coons have magnificent tails, powerful paws with tufts of wool between the fingers, a strong muscular body. Such a handsome man will not leave anyone indifferent!
Many color options
A large selection of raccoon cat colors is also its advantage. Today you can buy Maine Coon for every taste. Photos presented on our website will give a concept of a wide variety of options. Black, cream, red, blue, ticked, tortoiseshell ... Breeders will consult about all the subtleties of combinations of shades and patterns.

Despite their impressive size, Maine Coon cats are very active. They love games, pranks, and at the same time they are very hardy, so they must be given the opportunity to realize the need for movement. They sleep less than representatives of other breeds, and they like to do it in the most strange, unexpected places.